Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 521 - Nov 1, 2009

We didn't do too much again today so I don't really have anything to say. I figured I would just answer a few comments and cut out early tonight.

Shannon (and everyone else) - since I am hoping we can go home this week or next, I guess just send the shot glasses to our home in FL. I am hitting the docs up tomorrow to send us home, so wish me luck.

Miss Em - I never thought about display racks. Good idea.

Kristen M (Hi! and hi to everyone else at work and to Travis too!) - you asked if Kevin had ever been treated for OCD and the answer is 'no'. Personally, I think that that is one of my disappointments with the VA hospital - Kevin hasn't had a neuropsych exam since we got there over a year ago. Obviously he has changed drastically and has different cognitive needs now. In my eyes he should have had someone looking into all of these patterns and issues and helping our family to deal with them all along. Truthfully, as all of the frightening and difficult things were happening - someone should have sat down with us and said 'this is what you do when this happens'.

We did have an appt with a neuropsychologist outside of the VA, but we had to postpone it because we are still here in TX. It's on the immediate list as soon as we get home.

Lorraine and Rick - Travis (mentioned in above post) sent us a Memory game way back in the beginning. We did play it a few times a long time ago, but it's been a while. I will have to pull it back out once we get home. Thanks for reminding me!

To the anonymous person that asked how I would see Kevin if he is 'sent' to the clinic here in Texas if I live in FL - we haven't even gotten to the point of worrying about that yet. I don't know if I would be allowed to visit, but I will say that I don't think I could comfortably be that far away from him. I would just have to be here in Texas too, I guess. It's a little ways down the road yet, as we have to get this fluid thing taken care of and then the holidays done with, but I'm sure we'll figure something out.

Miss Em - you mentioned trying to push Kevin out of his room and into doing something fun. Believe me - I PUSH! He just doesn't budge! The thing is, he's not a toddler that I can just pick up and put in the car. If he doesn't want to go - we just don't go. HOWEVER - he has been more open to things in the last few weeks and I can only hope it continues once we get home to FL. He has come a LOOOOONNNGGG way since coming here and I am wondering if it's because he isn't so exhausted from his therapy schedule. Here we go once a day, but at home it's 3 times. I guess we'll see when we get home, huh?

Cathy M - you mentioned me researching all of the side effects of his pain meds and I must admit that I haven't done that. I probably should though...

Ok - this is enough for tonight. Can you believe it's November already? Geesh!


Anonymous said...

Hi Les,

I have been thinking A LOT about your family lately. In addition to your daily routine, I think about your dad, too...I, too, dealt with that, and now again, it is showing its ugly head this week in my mom.

I am very sorry you are seeing the repetitive patterns in Kevin. I only have minimal knowledge because of Travis having an anxiety disorder. I have read numerous books and have learned a ton about different patterns of behavior.

A lot of times there are also co-existing disorders...all kinds of other behavioral-type disorders. This is contributed to how their brain is formed. In Kevin's case, it has been REFORMED. It is hard to tell what he may be suffering from, but my best advice is to find a caring, wonderful therapist. Travis (and I) learned a boatload of information from his therapist that we apply to his daily life. It has helped tremendously!!!

Kevin's sense of hearing, which probably stimulates him, could be a great part of this. Travis had "excessive hearing" issues all along. The sounds that you and I think are normal were just like huge foghorns to him...we learned how to treat his individual we are at the other end of the spectrum...he has lost a portion of his hearing in his left ear...but now that just something completely different and has nothing to do with the previous issues...every day is a new adventure!

Call me some afternoon...I would love to chit-chat!!!

Good luck and take care!!! Miss ya!!!

Kristen M.

Anonymous said...


I hope you haven"t had enough of all our "helpful" comments--hopefully they are a help and not a pain...
Looking at the pictures you posted the other day it was obvious Kevin knows and remembers who "Rocky" was. That got me to wondering if he doesn't have quite a lot going on in his head and is frustrated and depressed because of his inability to communicate his thoughts and feelings.

Do you think he could learn sign language?

I know several young moms who used it with their babies when they weren't verbal yet. It really cut down on the frustration for both when they could use sign to indicate what they wanted. Just a thought.


Jessica said...

Hi Leslie. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and your family. Hope you had some quiet, restful days with minimal frustrations. (I know your days are never stress-free.) I'm praying for Kevin's fluid issue and for your dad, as well. You're in my thoughts. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the visit to the neurologist tomorrow!
Keeping you all in my prayers...