Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 657 - Mar 17, 2010

Kevin was pretty grumpy today. I think he's just tired of being in the hospital, tired of being sick. His kidneys still aren't getting better like the docs had hoped they would. The doctor did remove another of his meds today - an anti-inflammatory - that they think may also be causing the problem. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

We had to change the picc line today too. The old one was giving him problems so they put one in his other arm. Not sure, but that might not be working. He seemed to be in pain in that arm a lot today, but I want to wait and see how it is tomorrow before saying anything.

I know I have not been writing much lately, but I am just so very tired. I am trying to find us a place to live and it's just not easy so it's taking up A LOT of time (and this is just me scouring the internet for one that will handle his needs). I did leave Kevin this afternoon for a bit and ran and looked at one apartment. It's so darn tiny and so darn expensive. It was really too small for him because he would be able to hear me clearly from his bedroom no matter what I was doing.

I did get a referral from one of the nurses today though and looking at the website it looks perfect. HOWEVER, there are no prices listed and that scares me. I will call tomorrow and maybe even run out there if they are open in the evening once Breezy can get here to sit with Kevin.

So keep your fingers crossed that this one works. It's looking like we will be here at least another 6-8 months consecutively. I do hope we can go home for a week or two and visit with my parents, but I'm not sure yet. I also hope we can find a decent place here and maybe (if my dad feels well) they can come for a visit too. We'll see...


Miss Em said...

My fingers are crossed.
Sorry to hear that Kevin is once again in pain.
Prayers and Huggs with wishes of Good Luck on the Apartment hunting.

Miss Em

karen said...

fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you in my prayers...

Anonymous said...

crossing and praying...

Lisa D in Cali

Jessica said...

Aww, I'd be grumpy, too! I hope that picc line works out for him and that removing the med helps his kidneys.

I'm praying that you'll find that perfect apartment asap and that God will continue to give you strength and endurance. You and Kevin are in my thoughts so often. Take care.