Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 577 - Dec 27, 2009

We had a pretty good day today. I took Breezy back to the airport this morning and Kevin was waiting for me when I got home with my nephew and Tyler to go for a bike ride. My sister and mom had stayed with him while I ran Breeze downtown and they were all chomping at the bit to ride.

I did limit Kevin, but it was hard. He just loves to ride his bike and so far he isn't complaining of his ankle. We'll see for sure tomorrow if it hurts though. The last time he had no pain until the next day.

So anyway, here are some pics of the riding:

This one cracks me up. The boys and my sister took off and Kevin turned around and saw that Kim didn't have a helmet on. He made her stop, walk back to the house and get a helmet. She wasn't even allowed to ride the bike back. I laughed so hard.

This one is Kim and Kevin racing to the house:

And here is Kevin winning. Look at the joy on his face!

After this, Kevin and I watched an old movie - "Smokey and the Bandit" and we even both took a nap afterward. Then we just had leftovers for dinner and retreated to our separate spaces.

All in all a pretty nice day!


Alison said...

Great pics! Glad that everyone is having such a fun time on the visit. Love the shot of Kevin's glee over being the winner of the race! He's got such a competitive spirit and drive, which I really think has helped him get this far and will help him in the future.

Hope there is no pain in the ankle/foot and everything is OK on that front!

pommom said...

Excellent pics!! May God continue to watch over and bless your family in the coming New Year.

Jessica said...

Glad you had a good day today and that your Christmas was a good one! I loved seeing the photos of your family together and your dad with the kids. I'm so sorry that he has to face such a difficult choice re surgery. He's been in my thoughts and I'll continue praying for his recovery.

Ours was a bittersweet Christmas. Grandad is back in the hospital with an infection but hopefully will be home soon. He can't see, hear, or talk very well and we're not sure if those will come back in time for him. He still has his wits about him, so that's a blessing!

You're all in my thoughts and prayers! Hope Kevin's ankle is doing well after all that bike riding. Take care.