Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 803 - Aug 10, 2010

Today I had to leave Kevin with Lea and go to a meeting about his CRSC - some sort of combat pay. Unfortunately we need all these papers that are gosh knows where and in what pile at the house in FL. The guy told me there is no time limit and that's a good thing as we won't be back to FL for quite some time yet.

So Kevin introduced Lea to the movie "Airheads" - one of those movies Kev watches over and over. I guess they watched it while I was gone and I'm sure that made Kevin happy. He likes watching movies with both Lea and Johnny - he is such a movie buff.

I made Dirt (a dessert) after I got home for our dinner tomorrow night. We are actually having company. One of Moe's friends from East Brady lives only a few miles away so both Mike and his wife Cat are coming for dinner. I have never met Mike, but I had met some of his family before. I am looking forward to meeting new people.

I want to get to a few more comments tonight. There is still quite a pile in my email.

To anon that sent the handwriting websites - THANK YOU! So cool!

Jessica - you asked if Kev still vomits a lot from the CSF and the answer is 'sometimes'. We go through spurts where he will vomit many times over a couple of days and then he won't again for a month or two. We never know when it's coming or what triggers it. We have pills that we stick under his tongue that will help with it, but he has to take them before it gets too bad. I always hate when I am sleeping and he gets sick because I don't get to him fast enough to help out. It's the reason we need a large capacity washer/dryer - I launder a lot of bedding!

Janna - were your son's expanders as large as Kevin's? Wow, huh? I had no idea what to expect with these things, but it sure is huge on top of his head! The PA was just saying last time we saw him too that he is glad Kevin didn't have any pain. He said some folks get severe headaches, but Kevin pretty much always has that so there would be no difference.

Less than 2 weeks to go!

Cathy M - I'm all for Kevin and I gaining independence from each other as well. I am quite sure that it will happen in the long run, it's just going to take some major adjustments on both our parts - more his though. If he could just get to the medically stable point we would just be so damn happy. So much more can be done to help him once he is stable.

Janet - we got the little emotion magnets in the mail! Those are just so cute, lol! Kevin really got a kick out of some of the faces, hehe. I am also thinking we have one of those sound machines here somewhere from 'the quilt lady' that comes to BAMC once a month. Wonderful woman! I will have to dig it out. I tried it right after we got it, but he didn't want the noise in his room. He's changed though in the last 6 months though so maybe he will be able to handle it.

Mike and Rebecca from the Post Gazette - thanks so much for the e-card! Hilarious! I miss you guys! Why don't you talk your bosses into letting you guys come to SA? LOL!

Allrighty then...Moe is texting me while waiting for her 6am flight. Yippeeeee!!! I need to give her a call and then try to get some sleep. Kevin's still wide awake though so I doubt it's gonna happen...

1 comment:

bearlythr said...

Yes...Zack's expanders were above his ears, on both sides of his head and they were huge. My poor baby looked like an alien ( we too had to deal with the "looks" from those with no clue and no manners ) but the result was wonderful and well worth it. Zack also experienced vomiting and vertigo from them which stopped when they were removed. Hopefully many of Kevin's problems will resolve with a proper brain covering.
As always you are all in my prayers,