Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 268 - Feb 23, 2009

Not too much happened today. We just did our normal speech, pt and ot and that's about it.

I have noticed that Kevin's head is having fluid build-up nearly every night, but it goes away once he gets in his chair. It does have to do with how flat he lays while sleeping, so when he wakes up feeling nauseous, we just have to have him sit up for a while in bed and it will go away. I guess he is going to have to take a hospital bed home with him when we do go so that he can put his head up and down on his own. I believe the VA will supply that and that sure is a huge relief!

Since I don't really have too much to say, I am just going to reply to some of the comments.

To the anonymous poster saying that Kevin needs the "drive-on rag" - sometimes I am still busy with it, lol. But rest assured - it does get passed on when I can.

Someone else asked about my mom and she is doing well. She says her broken arm doesn't really hurt much, but the leg does. I think we'll all feel better once they get down here in the nice, sunny weather, lol. No snow or ice here, that's for sure.

And my heart isn't hurting as much, but there is still a twinge there. I know that some of you think it's crazy - but I really struggle with being homeless. The not having anywhere to take my children to has been a very heavy burden for me. I have always had a home for them and it feels a bit like failure to not be able to just take care of this. I feel like I am not doing my job in providing for them - and believe me - I already know that none of this is my fault and that these are extenuating circumstances, but the thoughts are still there. Anyway, once those papers are signed, I will feel much better! I sure hope it's soon...


Gretchen said...

If there's anything you're NOT, it's a failure! You're an amazing mother doing the very best you possibly can with the situation you've found yourself in. I'm fairly positive there are VERY FEW people in this world who could do better than you have. Just squelch those thoughts when they come, Leslie, cuz they're absolutely untrue. Love you!

Miss Em said...


You have been under a HUGE amount of STRESS for 268+ days and doing most of it without your personal life support system [friends, relatives] so you could aide Kevin in over-comeing such horrendous injuries.

One way that I [and many others] have found to help get rid of that stress is to 'Bitch' about it. Then there are the times I go to a place where no one can hear and just scream until I feel better.

Well our out-standing person, I don't know if you have a place that you can go to so you can scream but you sure have a place to come to in order to 'Bitch' AND we here know and understand why you want to 'Bitch'.

So talk to us, give us that 'Bitch' when the stress starts to build.


Miss Em
Austell, Ga.

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey, Good things are happening for you and you should never ever feel like a failure. What a wonderful,wonderful Mother you are and how very lucky your kids are.I hope that you like The Shack. It is turely great. Take care and I love ya. Pam

Anonymous said...

Leslie, dear girl, I am praying for good things for you and your family. You should perhaps re-frame your "homelessness mind set". Girl YOU are home for your children. It's absolutely fabulous to have a geographical location building to call home AND YOU are home for them. You are so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Now hear this, You are one awesome mother with more love in one of your fingers than some people have in their whole body! You do know LOVE is HOME no matter what! Your children know this. Here's sending prayers of positivity,Love & hugs to all of you!Take Care & God Bless. P.S. I'm in agreement with Gretchen & all the other comments posted.We all Love all of you & remember we are your friends & wouldn't lie to you. xoxoxxo

pommom said...

Leslie, home is where the heart is and that is YOU. I , along with many others, pray for quick resolution to the closure on the new house and for peace of mind in the meantime. All three of you are in my prayers every day.

Anonymous said...

Home is where your mom is. I saw that saying the other day, probably on a rubber stamp, but it's true. Nevertheless, you can't control your feelings and I'm praying you soon get your house!

I'm glad your mom is doing OK. One less thing for you to worry about! And her mending bones will appreciate the warm Florida weather.

Take care. You're in my thoughts and prayers, as ever.

The Rock said...

Leslie , I can imagine how you feel, about being " homeless " .
When my Husband was still in the Service and we had to move every 3 Years ; and we lived in many Hotels before we got Living Quarters . It is a terrible thing , to be away from your own 4 Walls . I can understand why you feel down . But Leslie ; so many people here on your Blog know how wonderful and loving you are ! And we all saying prayers for you all. There is no doubt in my mind that you will have a home soon ! And everything falls in in to place . Kevin will walk, and you will soon be a Happy Home Owner.
You are a wonderful Family and I am so proud of you and your Daughter ! And I am also proud of Kevin for making such sacrifices . He is on this Earth for a reason and it wouldn't surprise me ; if Kevin accomplishes so much more !
Hang in there Leslie !