Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 697 - Apr 26, 2010

We didn't really do much today. The home health company came out to get us admitted into their system and it looks like they are also going to hire someone Kevin's ageish that has some of the same likes/dislikes. In the interim, they are going to just send someone else out and it appears it will be for about 15 hours a week. This is a good amount for now as Kevin really doesn't feel well enough to go do much. I am going to strive toward getting out for at least half of that time each week too. It's the only way to keep going forward on the separation anxiety thing.

My main goal though would be for this person to take Kevin out and do things, as well as play games and do other things with him at home. Like I've mentioned before - just someone to be his 'friend'. I sure hope this company is better at hiring than the last company, lol.

And I know my posts have been short lately, but there really isn't much to say. Kevin is very limited in the amount of time he can stay out of bed, so our lives are pretty boring right now. We are hoping to make it to the movies tomorrow...wish us luck...


Cathy M said...

Good luck with the new helper. Maybe they can go for a short walk together outside or something that would give Kevin a little exercise.

And ya know, sometimes boring is just fine. I listen to the stories/drama of some friends' lives, and I thank God that even though I get a bit restless or bored sometimes, I would not want their "excitement".

Hugs to you and your hero son.

Long-time RN said...

Enjoy the boring!