Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 22 - June 22, 2008

My mom and my nephew, Anthony, came today for the week. I am so glad. Much needed because the doctor's visit didn't turn out to be a good one like we had hoped.

So apparently Kev has meningitis. I asked Breezy and neither one of us had heard that word spoken before, so I guess when the technical name was given - it went right over our heads.

Unfortunately, the docs have tried all the antibiotics they have for it, and so far nothing has worked. Kevin is on the last one possible and tomorrow they are planning to do a spinal tap to get a sample of the fluid to see if it is working. We will know if it's not within 24 hours and if it is in 3 days (I think I got that right). Now the downside to this is that this antibiotic is so incredibly strong, it is causing some degree of kidney failure (docs exact words). This is really scaring me. The doc says it's one or the other as they are both as serious as it gets - meningitis or kidney failure. Gonna stick my head in the sand on this one, at least for the night.

Kev also started coughing up orange stuff this afternoon. We know that as of this morning it was the right white/brownish color. The docs are running tests to see what could be the problem.

As for the grafts? Kev needs only 5% of his body grafted yet. Assuming all goes well with the antibiotics, that may be done later this week. I hope so. The sooner it gets done, the sooner we go to Tampa to the brain trauma hospital.

I'm a little worried about Breezy too. She is starting to crack a little. She has so much going on. Her boyfriend, Alan, is leaving for Iraq next month. Tim is here. She misses her friends. She misses her job. She is scared financially. She just misses her life (as I do and I can damn well say that Kev does). All of this - and the terrifying reality of Kevin's situation also. It's just too much for anyone to handle and I can only hold her as she cries, just as she does for me. Keep her in your thoughts, please. She needs strength vibes sent her way.

So I think I am going to wrap this up for the night. I am just tired and want to go to bed early.


Anonymous said...

Leslie, Breeze, We all wish we could be there to help with the enormous burden that you are going through. Just remember that the two of you must be strong as God will not give us more than we can carry. I know it seems like it will put us down but you must remember God is with you (this I know for a fact)and I bet by now there are millions of us out there with you in spirit. You and your family have touched the hearts of so very many. You have brought out the fact that we need to say I LOVE YOU as many times as we can. Not to wait for another time but NOW as a second could change your whole life. Our arms are around you all and I hope you can feel the hugs sent to you all everyday. You and your family have given us so much. We love you all. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Father, I pray you would strengthen Leslie and Breezy. Please comfort them. I pray they would draw near to You and would find the peace that passes all understanding. Please enable them by Your Spirit to cast all their cares on You because You care for them. Please help them to bear up. Please lift the anxiety from them as they walk through this ordeal. May they sense Your presence stronger than they have ever known.

Thank You for Your great love for Kevin, Leslie and Breezy. May they grasp the depths of Your love even through this situation. Please speak to them as only You can. Help them to hear You. Please provide for their needs in miraculous ways. Please encourage their hearts.

i. said...

Three steps forward, two steps back... Keep believing that these setbacks are just temporary and the Kevin will overcome them.

Encourage Breezy to take a little time away from Kevin's bedside in order to touch base with the other half of her life. She needs to keep a balance for her own mental health. Same goes for you, too, Leslie. Neither of you can help Kevin if you are not taking care of yourself.

Keeping you all very close in my heart and mind...


Anonymous said...

Matt 11:28,29,30
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Love you, Leslie...I have no words of my own that could comfort you.

Anonymous said...

leslie and breeze things do sound scary but think possitive as you have been you both are in our thoughts god bless

Anonymous said...

Leslie, again all our thoughts and prayers to you three. It is unimagineable what you all are going through. Stay strong!!! I got groceries yesterday and thought about Kevin not just coz he worked at the store but also because I needed bread and butter. I'm going to tell you this to make you smile because I did remembering. Everytime and anytime Kevin came to the house no matter what time day or night that boy would eat a whole loaf of bread and a pound of butter. I use to joke with him to BYOB&B. "Bring Your Own Bread & Butter" And one time he actually did. Of course he at that all also. You tell him when he's up to it, I'll buy him all the bread and butter he can ever eat!!! You are in our hearts!!! Sharon, Zach and Haleigh

Anonymous said...

Dear Breezy,
I jus wanted to again let you know that everyone here in the group is thinking and praying for your brother and your family. I can't even begin to understand what you must be going through right now, especially with the added stress of Juice leaving for Iraq in a month. I wish there was anything we could do for you, but in the meantime, we will just keep praying. I admire you and your mom so much for all the strength you've shown thus far. You guys are awesome. Hang in there. Let us know if you need anything.
Beth and Travis

Anonymous said...

Breezy, I don't don't know is you remember me but I sure remember you sweetie. Take a deep breath and walk away for a little bit. Hold on to God's strength and power to keep you, Kev, and your Mom strong. He never gives up on us honey. We will all pray for your boyfriend honey I am starting today now that I know. Tell Mom that I love her and whisper to Kevin that I love him too and thank him so much for what he has done to help our country. I love you all and you are all with me constantly. Love ya, Pam Moore

Anonymous said...

Leslie, You, Breezy and Kevin are in my thoughts and prayers daily.I read your blog every morning. You are truly an amazing person. I know your kids mean the world to you and you are a great Mother. You have the strength, courage and the "will" to get you and the kids through this. This has to be really hard for Breezy also, she is just a "kid" herself. You have been though a lot of rough times and you WILL get through this. If there is anything we can do, let me know. Jeanie Livengood

Anonymous said...


I am glad your Mom and Anthony are there with you. I remember when they would come with Chrissy and visit. No matter how old we are, we always need our Mama and I am so glad she is there to be added support for not only Kevin..but for you and Brianna.

Brianna..share your feelings with your friends or if they offer any counseling help where you are with Kevin..TAKE IT. It will help you. You need to talk with someone. You have a lot going on..too much. We will pray for your boyfriend, Alan, as we continue to pray for Kevin, you and your Mom.

Kevin is young and we know how strong he is. He has a strong will or he wouldn't still be with us now. Talk to him...a lot. I am sure you already do..but be calm, comforting and positive.

I don't know how many of us could go through what you are going through...PURE HELL..but we are so so proud of you all.

Please tell Kevin that we thank him for our freedom and what an honor it is to be able to say "yes, we know Kevin Kammerdiener..our local hero"...

God Bless you all. : )...continuing to pray.

Anonymous said...

Leslie and Breeze, I want you to know that my whole family is praying for you guys! My brother went to basic with your son/brother and we are all constantly thinking and praying for all of you, especially Kam *as I know him as, through my bro*. Also, you have tons of support from the other guys who went to basic. I read the comments on my bro's facebook wall and can tell you that they are all thinking of your son constantly and are behind him the whole way.
Stay in there and stay strong, just as you have. As I heard my brother say, crazy Kam's a fighter and is not one to ever give up.
Love and Prayers ALWAYS!

Anonymous said...


Keep your head up love! Always know that your friends are here back home supporting you and you can always count on us to be here no matter what time or day! I love you to pieces I can't wait to see you next month. Love you too Mama!!


Anonymous said...


I'm glad your mom and nephew made it downto spend time with you. It is so sad to log onto your blog today and find out that Kevin has another hurdle to overcome. Kevin has shown such a fighting spirit through all of this, so I am sure he will overcome this latest development and continue to recover. Draw strength from your family and all of us out here that are praying for all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you throughout the day, every day.
Shari Goodyear

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with all of you today.
Every time I look at my "Pray for Kevin" bracelet, a prayer goes up for him.
I wish I could do more for all of you. Your strength amazes me. Take care of yourselves so you can be strong for Kevin.

Anonymous said...

Breezy, I'm praying for you! All your emotions are totally normal right now. One thing I've learned in my life is there are going to be obstacles to overcome but get through them and things will get better. Please take care of your self for Kevin, most importantly, and for your mom too. I admire your strength Breezy you are a wonderful person. Lyn and I love you and are continually praying for you all!
Love, Diana

Anonymous said...


Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Please remember through all this that you are NOT alone. The unit and a lot of supporters are with you in spirit, even if we cannot be with you physically.

Captain Jeremy Riegel
Kevin's Former Company Commander
Bagram, Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

"Always pray and not give up" Luke 18:1

Anonymous said...

Leslie and Breezie,

I am sure you know by now how much love and support you are getting from East Brady. But unless you are here you have no idea how great it is. We all love and care about you three and are doing what we have to. Kevin's face is everywhere throughout town!!! Don't worry. The army is taking care of Kevin and we will take of the both of you. You have enough to worry about without thinking of finances. Stay strong, what you are doing is showing exactly how much you love Kevin and each other. Take care and remember tommorrow is always another day.

Vicki Chrisman said...

Leslie and Breeze.. so glad you have other loved ones there with you now... I know that will really help. But also know that there are ALOT of people that may not be there to support you physically...but think of you both and pray for you both many many times each day. You are in so many hearts right now!

Anonymous said...

Leslie - lots of people are praying for Kevin, you and Brianna. Call me if you need ANYTHING! I'm only a phone call a way. God Bless you!

Heather Sliwinski

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your mom and nephew are there with you now. My heart goes out to you both and my prayers are going up double-time that the dr.s would find an antibiotic that will take care of the infection.

Anonymous said...

Hi Breezy,your Mom, and Kevin: My thoughts and prayers are with every day. I am glad to hear your grandmother,Breezy; your mom's mom is with you now. More strength,love and seeing that you Breezy, and your mom are taking care of yourselves also. Kevin does hear younce, so keep talking to him. I am so grateful to know you Breezy and want very much too meet your Mom and brother. take care and am always with younce. Need me call or e-mail me . with all my love and prayers Donna Scherer

Anonymous said...

My prayers are on their way. I wish you strength and courage. Hang in there. Karen, Soldiers Angels, Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Unknown said...

I am still pray for all of you and pray that Kevin will come out of this strong. I know you and Breezy will come out of this stronger. We all at work are praying for you all and know that Kevin, Breezy & yourself will pull through all of this.

Justin K.

Anonymous said...

Leslie and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and especially Kevin.

We are so proud of Kevin and we admire your strength and courage.

The Roden family, Bflo., NY, Soldiers' Angels members.

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I work with you. This is the first time that I have left a comment. I just wanted you to know that you & your family have been in everyone's hearts, thoughts & prayers. You & your family have incredible strength. Thank You for keeping all updated on Kevin. We are all praying for your family!
Cheryl Baumann

Kay said...

Keeping you ALL in my thoughts and prayers, my friend. This is so much for all of you to handle. Hang in there, Leslie.

Anonymous said...

I thought a lot about Kevin today. I hope it was a positive day.
Megan Slaugenhoup

Anonymous said...

Dear Leslie and Brianna,
My heart aches for you and for Kevin. This has to be so overwhelming. I pray that each day you have strength
to go on and be there for each other.Let Kevin know that we love and pray for him.I hope you can feel these prayers.Meningitis- he sure is going through hell.God bless him. I pray tomorrow is a great day. Love to you all.
Love, The Reeves Gang.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, So many are praying you can't even imagine. Our goal is to surround the three of you with constant prayer. Be tough and know you are all loved.

Unknown said...

Kammerdiener Family and Friends,

I have reading your Post each and everyday. As with all your readers each posting brings much sadness to my heart. I continue to keep Kev and the rest of your family in our prayers.


Larry Arnone
San Francisco
A Sky Soldiers Dad

Anonymous said...

Leslie or Breezy if either of you need to get something more off your chest or if you just want to talk... Please email me... I wish I was still there...


Unknown said...

I have had a similar experience with my son, Cody, who is now 17. He was in a car accident on RT8 in Richland TWP. Allegheny County, on 12-29-05. HE HAD A TRAUMATIC brain injury and is now 17 and doing great. Not everything is perfect but with all the prayers and therapies he is coming along. It is a very long, slow process but never give up hope. I will pray for you and your family. God Bless You. Someday when you get home, look me up if you want to talk.

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I am from Levelgreen, PA and my son Sgt.Jeff Cole was seriously injured in 2004 from an IED bomb that went off as he was riding in a humvee as a gunner. The Army didn't think he was going to make it and flew my husband and I to Germany, where Jeff's dad also fainted when he saw him. After a few days, he was stabilized and was sent to Walter Reed where he spent the next year. Our lives were forever changed, but like you, were able to get through some of the worst days from the support of family, friends and complete strangers. My son still goes through at least one surgery a year on his leg, but is recovering. I have gone through every thought and emotion that you feel, and have become a stronger person because of it as you will too. Your son Kevin will be in my thoughts and prayers. Juliann Cole

Anonymous said...

I just read the article about you and your family. My heart and prayers are with you. My son is an MP with the Army Reserve, so reading your story really brought tears to my eyes. You have tremendous strength and from what I've read, wonderful support from everyone. That is so important. I wish words could express everything that is going through my head. Everything you've said is so true. People do need to find kindness, they do need to see what is going on around them. Your son is a wonderful young man for what he has done for our country.
Again, my prayers are with you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

Leslie & Breezy:

I just read the heart-wrenching story of Kevin in the PPG. I hope you find consolation in your family, friends and faith. God bless you. Kevin is a true American hero.

Anonymous said...


I along with the mother that had her son's surgery in NYC with a private doctor and the Army paid and agreed - did the same thing for my son. When he came home from Walter Reed - I arranged for him to have all of his surgeries (and more to come) from then on in Pittsburgh at Shadyside Hospital with a doctor of our choice and TriCare and doctor's agreed to it, so I just wanted to let you know that it can be done. I only ran into one problem with the hospital wanting my son to pay $3,000 for the stay and I wrote my Congressman and they did take care of it.

Thinking and praying for Kevin and you and your family every day.


Anonymous said...


On Sunday the Pittsburgh Steelers will be playing the Baltimore Ravens for the AFC Championship at Heinz Field. At the beginning of the game, they will be honoring all military and 20 wounded soldiers from the area will be standing next to Martina McBride as she sings the National Anthem. My son Sgt. Jeff Cole who was seriously wounded in Iraq will be standing there representing the Army and all wounded soliders. I have kept him updated on Kevin's condition and I just wanted you to know that Jeff will be honoring Kevin also as he stands there.
Many prayers for Kevin, you and your family. You are doing an amazing job!