Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 727 - May 26, 2010

We had a pretty decent day. I went out and about while Joseph was here, mostly just driving around.

The medication situation was taken care of so all is well on that front.

And Breezy came over for dinner tonight so we cooked cheeseburgers and hot dogs and just had a simple meal.

I called about getting that new mattress because it hasn't happened yet and tonight I noticed that Kevin is actually getting some skin breakdown on his back. In all this time, we have never had that. I sure hope they hurry with this exchange. I am just not liking this.

I also talked to the doctor today and we decided to take the one pain medication we were reducing back up to what Kevin was taking a couple of weeks ago. He's back to not sleeping at all and I have been having to give him more and more pain pills. For a while there he was sleeping pretty decently and looking over the pain pill log I can see that I have had to increase his dosage about 2-4 times more a day lately. I can't say for sure if this is the problem, but I guess we'll see soon.

And that's about it for today, so I guess I'll head to bed.


Anonymous said...

Keeping you all in my prayers...

Cathy M said...

Kevin has a skin break-out - like a rash?

Miss Em said...

Hello Leslie,

"Skin break-down" as in bed sores??

That happens when one is lying in one position for too long of a time over a period of time. I believe you already know this as well as that it can be and is painfull.

That mattress isn't helping. What about an air mattress while you are waiting. At least that can be adjusted to how hard or soft it needs to be so Kevin can sleep.

{{{HUGS}}} for Kevin

Prayers for both of you.

Miss Em
Austell, GA.

Long-time RN said...

Sorry to read of Kevin's skin breakdown. If he's sliding down in bed at night, it can cause a shearing irritation as can laying on one position too long. No doubt you're aware of that and hope you get a new mattress soon.

If the pain meds allow both of you to get sleep and Kevin gets relief, it's probably best in the interim. You've sure got a lot to deal with and juggle, Leslie. You're doing one heck of a tremendous job.

Thoughts and prayers.

Jessica said...

I'm so glad that Joseph is working out as a companion for Kevin. For him and for you, so you can get out for a little while.

Have you tried an egg crate foam mattress topper? I know it's not the same as a new mattress, but it might help with the skin issue. I don't like the sound of the skin break-down either. At least the medication issue was resolved, so hooray for small miracles!

I'll be praying about Kevin's insomnia and pain issue. It sounds like a vicious cycle.
Thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers! Take care.