Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 494 - Oct 5, 2009

Only a day and a half more before we learn what the future holds. I have been just pretending that all is well, but at times it kinda creeps into my head that it can all come crashing down - again.

I just can't imagine having to remove the plate from his head. It will limit the things he does for fun and it's already so limited that it won't leave much of anything.

And I can only hope that we don't lose the Kevin that he has become. Although he is very demanding and tyrannical a lot of the time, he still has moments that he is so much fun to be around and we have a good time. I don't want to lose that person. I worry about us going back to who he was before - the person barely cognitive.

I know that the pressure in your head has a lot to do with function, but maybe having the shunt working correctly will make all the difference this time.

Or maybe we won't even need to take it all out, huh? Oh I so hope that's the way of it! I just want this infection to go away so that we can go home and continue with therapy and just all out getting better!


Jan said...

I get the feeling you're assuming the worst, Leslie. That will make it all the sweeter when everything turns out okay....and I just know it will.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have to deal with so many uncertainties...
We all hope that all will be well and that the meds. did their job!!!
Hugs from El Paso,
Tina Dwyer

Anonymous said...

Keeping you in my prayers...

sherri said...

I can certainly sympathize with how anxious and worried you must be feeling concerning this infection. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Kevin. I have a really good feeling about how this will turn out. I believe that the antibiotics are doing their job and the infection will be gone. But, I understand how scary the waiting for results must be. Stay strong as you always do. Love you.

Lisa D in Cali said...

Hugs Leslie...the waiting is the worst. I hope it helps to know so many of us are hoping and wishing right along with you.

Donna Undercuffler (Ray) said...

You & Kevin are in my thoughts & prayers. I hope for the best for you.

Long-time RN said...

Hope and pray those ATBs knock the MRSA out of Kevin's system.

Jessica said...

Hang in there! There's still time for the antibiotics to work. I'll continue to pray and keep you all in my thoughts. Take care.