Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 1153 - Jul 27, 2011

We had our last low vision appt today. The doctors both said there there is no possible way for Kevin to regain his vision as his optic nerve was destroyed either by the loss of brain or by the swelling upon impact.

We had a long discussion and they explained to me that although neurons can find another path after a trauma such as Kevin's, the optical nerve can't. There is just no way it can be repaired as it is the equivalent of a spinal cord injury - it's nerve damage, not brain damage.

So, we opted to discontinue therapy because Kevin already compensates extremely well for his visual field loss. Everyone has always been amazed that Kevin doesn't walk into things and he can play computer games with no problem seeing the full screen on is iPad.

We do know things have had to change (ie sitting at the top right of a theater), but we can handle it all with no problems.

I did ask too, if this would keep Kevin from driving if he is ever able to in the future and the doctor said that it would not. If he could ever pass the written exam, he would probably only be able to drive on back roads and never at night, but really...that's a long way down the road to worry about at this point. I just wanted to make sure though.

After his appt, we picked up Christian at daycare and Kevin had a blast helping him 'figure out' how to walk in the walker. I'm not really sure who enjoyed it more, lol.

And to end, here's a video of our little guy from a few days ago:


Carol Wiercinski said...

Christian is such a cute baby! You are so fortunate to have him live close by.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! He has such a cute laugh! :) I'm glad they had such a fun time with the walker. Our son used to love his walker when he was little. What a fun age! :)
I'm so glad that Kevin sees more than what is expected for his visual loss. That's wonderful.
Have a great Thursday!
Kathy in IA

GrannieEv said...

I am so glad you both are enjoying Christian!

Tracey from Pgh. said...

He is so damn cute!

Anonymous said...

He is just a little dollbaby. There's nothing like the laughter of a baby to make things better. I was in a tough place a few years ago and my baby grandson who lived close by literally saved my sanity. No matter how down I was the minute I saw him it made everything better and brighter. Enjoy Christian, that baby grandson of mine will soon be 13 years old and he still can make me feel good no matter what!

As always we continue to pray for all of you..Melissa Ion

Anonymous said...

Love it! I think Christian is as good for Kevin as Kevin is for Christian. I love the laugh! You have to look at this video and think, "Wow, how far we have come in 1153 days." Who would have ever thought! I hope the caregivers act did YOU good as you need to take care of yourself. thanks for sharing! give both the boys a hug from me in Ford City....
thoughts and prayers,

Anonymous said...

les, thanks for the christian vid.
that little guy just makes my day


Michelle Long said...

Yes, Christian is a cutie! Thanks for sharing the video!