As to my issue with certain VA members, you will be hearing about it within the next few days. I will be sharing my letter with you after it has went through the correct channels. I appreciate the offers of help and truthfully, will probably take y'all up on it.
And because I was so tired last night, I didn't mention that yesterday Kevin started back to physical therapy. He starts OT tomorrow and I have asked the therapists to bump him up to 60 minute sessions instead of 30. We are going to try it and if it doesn't work we will go down to 45 mins for each. I personally think he can handle two hours of therapy now, but I might be wrong and I guess we'll see tomorrow. Wish us luck.
And I hate to do it again, but I am going to sign off a little early tonight. I have a feeling the next few days will be exhausting as I go full throttle at the VA, so my posts may be short for a bit. Just bear with me...
So cute to see Kevin is still committed to that fur cap in San Antonio heat! Daniel is looking good! Nice to see him again.
Eager to hear what's going on with the VA situation.
Matt wouldn't let me post it to Caring Bridge, but he is home (in Tampa) with us for GOOD! He surprised us last Monday.
Love to you all, Leslie,
I meant to mention that the Mission San Juan is beautiful, but is closing for renovations Oct. 1st for about a year, according to the website. Great photo opps there if you can go in the next week.
You can feel Kevin's great energy on that picture...
Awesome pic!!! Thanks for sharing that!! Good luck in your battle with the VA - we're all out here cheering you on and supporting you in any way we can.
God bless,
That's a great picture, Leslie!
Cheering you on in your battle with the VA. Hang tough.
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