Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 840 - Sep 16, 2010

Today was another lazy kind of day. We did go for groceries and that's pretty much it. Johnny came this evening and he and Kevin were going to go to the mall, but Kevin was kinda grumpy so they didn't end up going.

I am hoping that we can start back to therapy on Monday. We have been waiting on the VA for approval for some more sessions. It kinda bothers me because we had the Botox weeks ago and we are losing precious time. Maybe tomorrow though...

To touch on just a few of the questions/comments in my inbox:

Jean S - Breezy's due date is January 12. We don't know the sex yet - she finds out on the 30th of this month. She is really gonna be such a good mama. The past 2 1/2 years have really forced Breezy to grow up and being pregnant is bringing even more changes to her sense of responsibility. I am very proud of the woman she has become and look forward to seeing how well she handles motherhood. I know you also asked for her address, but can you send me an email for it? I didn't ask her if she minded me putting it on the blog and don't want to assume that she is ok with it.

To the anon person who said that they have always been struck at how I never say a word about the people that caused this - I guess it's because I just don't think about it. Maybe it's because I really don't have the time to focus on something that can't be changed, but I more think it's because I don't really blame anyone. It's war - plain and simple. Sure, I don't like what happened to my son or to Daniel or to James or Andrew or any of the other thousands of soldiers that have lost their lives or been wounded. But we all know what war means and all of these guys and girls chose to fight for their country. They (and you) chose this possibility. So to me - there really isn't anyone to blame. Maybe this is naive of me, but it's just how it is in my head. Or maybe it's just another way I stick my head in the sand...who knows...

Miss Em - I do agree with you that PTSD is starting to show some signs in Kevin now that he is more aware. When I had to sleep in his room while at the hotel last week, I realized that he has nightmares/dreams often. He moaned a lot and he wasn't sleeping restfully when he was sleeping. Since then I have been paying more attention and his pupils are moving a mile a minute a lot. His eyes are still open a little bit when he sleeps and you can watch his pupils jerking all over the place. I also mentioned to Kevin a few days ago about having a strange dream and he started jabbing himself in the chest and saying "Yeah! Yeah!", basically telling me he has nightmares too.

Now I just need to figure out what tactic to take on this. I heard what you said about having a senior warrior talk to him, but I need to weigh the pros and cons on that before making a decision fully. To me, I think it's possible that someone who remembers everything can do some unintentional harm to someone who doesn't remember anything. It might be better for a trained professional - which again is difficult due to the language barrier.

Man, I just wish decisions could be made lightly and there weren't such dire consequences if you make a wrong one. It really puts into perspective how easy life used to be.

1 comment:

Miss Em said...

Hello Leslie and Kevin,

Leslie...Prayers are being said to help you find the right way to find what Kevin needs for the PTSD that seems to be cropping up. to some of the people who run these talk sessions. You will find that many if not most are being run by Warriors...Combat Warriors...that have gone on to get degrees and training in this part of the sociological field. They may have a few ideas on how to help Kevin communicate what he is feeling or dreaming about. They may also know of someone who is specializing in how to aid those who have difficulity in communications like Kevin.
Many know from being there what Kevin is experiencing and how devastating it can and will be for him and all those he loves.

There may even be a group of people that they may know about that are helping the families to deal with the problems that the Warrior is going thru as he is dealing with PTSD.

PTSD doesn't just effect the Warrior and those of the immediate family but those who are around them like aides, friends, and momentary people like waiters and sales clerks.
I never think of it as a disease but as an jnjury to the mind that needs to be examined and treated best handled by those who have walked the walk and can do more than talk the talk but understand what is truly being said behind the words spoken...emotions of the moment...another Warrior.

Again prayers being said and fingers and toes being crossed that the Angels point you to the right people who can aid Kevin.

Miss Em
Austell, Ga.