Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 735 - Jun 3, 2010

Well, the speech pathologist came today and it was a pretty decent session. Kevin made it about 1 1/2 hours before he went back to bed.

He did exceptionally well with all of the visual stuff. He remember patterns easily, when showed a picture he could either say the word or tell you how many letters were in the word, he seemed to read quite a bit and he was able to draw lines from shape to shape, small to large on request.

Where he struggled was with verbal therapy. Today showed me that Kevin really doesn't either understand as much as I thought or he just can't retain what he just heard completely.

For example he was read a story with maybe 10 sentences. When asked questions after the reading was done, he couldn't really answer correctly.

And I really don't understand this, but when Kevin was asked what his name was he said "Kevin". But when she asked if his name was Brown he said yes and when she asked if his name was Smith he also said yes. That stumped me completely because he knows his name is Kevin - he will tell you his name is Kevin - so how could he not know his name wasn't Smith or Brown?

I was kinda sad after she left because he really had me fooled - again - and I just want him to be better so badly. I know...I know...there's still time for him to recover, it's just I really did think he understood almost everything I said. He almost always answers appropriately - I really don't understand how he does it.

But anyway (gotta stop blubbering so I am moving on), one cool thing was that she read directions for Kevin to draw a clock and put the hands to 10 mins past 11. He wrote all the numbers correctly and even put the hands in the right place. It was impressive to me that he could do that, but it was even more impressive that she read all of the directions at the same time and he was able to do it all without needing anything repeated. (so he remembered this, but not the story? maybe cause it was only 2 sentences?)

Anyway, if you remember from many months ago while we were in FL, we were working on him following multiple directions given at one time - like sending him into Walmart for bananas and bread, but you may also remember that back then he only ever remembered one item.

I am going to take this as an improvement. After today, I guess I need to focus on the improvements we do have and I need to be realistic in what I am seeing and not what I am wanting to see.

Although personally, I like the world where I see what I want to see so much better...


Anonymous said...

That's interesting about the session. Wow, he did excellent on the clock. You wonder if it uses a different part of the brain to understand telling time, etc.
Do you think 10 sentences was too many? It would be neat to see one or 2 sentences and see how he does. Maybe work his way up to that many as she asked. Also after he was getting tired, that could have been some of it too. Sometimes when I help our son with his homework I know when he's getting tired. The attention spand leaves. :) Maybe when he has the plate back in his head it will make a difference too. It seems like it would take pressure off of him. Maybe the pressure causes things to not be as clear as they normally would. I don't know, just thinking about everything from the session. :) Could it be that he understood the story, but couldn't get out what he was thinking?
I'm so glad that he read quite a bit and was able to draw the lines from the shapes. I wonder if she could just give a couple of sentences and then give him something on paper to draw the line to what happened in the story. It's almost like he knows, but possibly can't communicate
it out. Sounds like he did very well when it was on paper.
Well, being Brown and Smith- maybe Kevin was tired of being questioned and thought she would leave if he just agreed with her! hahaha He is a character you know! :)
Thank you for sharing your day! We sure enjoy hearing all about Kevin's recovery. It really does sound like he does excellent on paper. I wonder if those workbooks that you can get at places like Walmart, etc would be kind of fun for him. I used to love those when I was younger. They have math, reading, etc. They are in with the books for kids. It would stimulate him I think and are just kind of fun to do. Maybe it isn't something he would like, but just an idea.
Have a great day!
Kathy in IA

bearlythr said...

I know when dealing with Zack and either therapists or doctors, there were things he catagorically refused to do. I knew he could and he would for me but not for them. It was very frustating, knowing what he was capable of but being told he wasn't. I do NOT think you are seeing what you want to see, rather I think you see the real Kevin. Being with him 24/7 gives you a vantage point that someone seeing him briefly does not. Do not be discouraged Leslie and don't let a random assessment carry too much weight. Yes, whomever saw him was no doubt a "professional" but rest assured you definately know more than they do when it comes to what he is able to do. Kevin would not consistantly make appropriate responses by accident.
Belated congratulations on the wee one that is on the way!!
God bless and keep you all,

Jessica said...

I can see why it would be confusing to figure what Kevin understands and what he doesn't. I think it's wonderful that he's still working on his alphabet and can tell time. Maybe you're right, that he really does know the things you thought he did, but just can't make the verbal connection when he's put on the spot. And the fact that he was so good with the visual stuff seems to support that theory.

I hope you had a good day today. You've been in my thoughts and prayers (and even in my dream once! Weird, right? lol!) Take care.

Anonymous said...

When my late husband was first diagnosed with a brain tumor, it affected his ability to tell time and work with numbers, but because of the tumor's location, he never lost the ability to speak, remember,or understand what we said to him. So it makes sense, I think, that one part of the brain is giving Kevin problems with word concepts while the mathematical part is working well.