Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 1230 - Oct 12, 2011

I am not going to really write much tonight either. Kevin and I were changing his sheets last night and to make it more fun we engaged in a pillow fight. It got a little out of hand and I was joking that he was killing me and I lie down on the floor in a fetal position and Kev decided to sit on me. Well, I don't know if he fractured a rib or what, but man am I hurting! It was pretty immediate when he hit my chest and I'm guessing that his 205 pounds did some damage.

So it hurts pretty bad - I can't drive too well and I can't pick anything up with my left arm, but I'm sure it will be better in a couple of days. If it's not, I'll go to the docs. Well, no, I probably won't, but it sounded good, right? LOL.

So I guess I'll sign off now.


Anonymous said...

I hope it isn't serious Leslie. I will pray that you feel better really soon with it. That's too bad. :(
Be careful though as if it effects your breathing it can be dangerous for pneumonia. (If it hurts to cough or sneeze and just plain hurts to take a deep breath.)Please go to the dr. on this one if it continues to bother you. They will give you a breathing instrument to keep everything open. You don't need any of that to deal with.
I hope you have a good day.
Take care,
Kathy in IA

Jessica said...

Oh no! I hope you're healing quickly. Kevin must have felt terrible.

However, I'm glad that he enjoyed his time with Colin and that you got to spend time with some new friends. Let's hope you can do it again soon!

Hang in there. I'll be praying for your ribs. :(