Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 1023 - Mar 18, 2011

We had a bit of a scare today with our little guy, Christian. The day care center called and said he was running a fever and since it was a Friday afternoon at roughly 4pm, Breezy was told to just take him to the emergency room.

Kevin and I went with her and it was just heartbreaking to watch him have to get cath'd and to have an IV put in. Lucky for us all of the tests they ran came back negative so they allowed us to take him home with the promise of a follow-up on Monday with his primary doctor.

Lucky for us too that Christian's a trooper. Yes he screamed, but he rallied quickly and we had him giggling and carrying on. Here's the proof:

Other than that, we didn't do much of anything today. Kevin and I are getting ready to have him admitted to ResCare on Monday. I have decided to take this weekend off from the blog and just get everything done, cleaned and packed for him and to spend some time going over things he needs to know/remember.

I will catch everyone on Monday night.


Pat said...

So glad everything turned out ok with Christian!

Kevin...enjoy your time at ResCare, make some new friends and rock that place!

Leslie, get some rest...ya'll have a great week end!

GrannieEv said...

Best of everything for Kevin and you while he's gone. I wish I could just hold that baby boy for about one day!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!
Keeping everyone in my prayers...

Jessica said...

Aw, that poor little guy! Fevers can be so scary in babies. He's such a cutie-pie and I'm glad everything turned out ok.

Sounds like you got a lot fit in while in PA! I hope Kevin is all set for ResCare and that he checks in without too much stress. I can only imagine his anticipation right now! I'll be praying for him and for you during the adjustment. Take care.

Kris said...

Hi everyone,

Saying many extra prayers that all goes well today at ResCare - for both you AND Kevin! I'm sure you will both go through some separation anxiety, but my gut tells me that you will both be ok :) I'm so psyched and excited for Kevin!!! He has just come so very far... he's truly amazing. He truly is a miracle. And the incredible support of his amazing mom and sister and family has absolutely, positively helped him travel to these lengths.

And I hope that Christian is feeling better!! I gotta say - my own kid not withstanding lol - but he is just the cutest little thing ever!!!

God bless you all.

- Kris, a Soldiers' Angel from RI

bearlythr said...

Praying for all of you,