Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 1196 - Sep 8, 2011

First I want to send a great big shout out to Southwest Airlines for taking such great care of Kevin! They had everyone stay in their seats until Kevin got off first and had the whole plane cheering for Kev - thank you Southwest! It was so much easier getting Kevin and Breezy and the baby off without being jostled around and pushed and bumped.

So obviously we made it to Florida! It was a great trip and even Christian was an excellent flier (sp). He slept in my arms the whole way up and the whole way down, only waking up and eating somewhere over the gulf.

So back to last weekend. On Saturday night we got company! Jeremy (Major Reigel) and his wonderful wife Dana came to visit - Jeremy was with Kevin in Afghanistan and he hasn't seen him since Kevin was still in a coma! What a difference, eh? We really had a fantastic night with them! We went to a BBQ place called Rudy's that's pretty close to the house and then we came back and played Kinect for a bit and just hung out together. We honestly had a great time and I hope they come back soon!! Here are a few photos:

(notice I am now a redhead, lol)

And then on Sunday we saw Anne (another member of the Herd) that came down for lunch from Houston. We met her and her friend Theo who is also in the Army and will be stationed here at Ft Sam. We had so much fun with these two as well!! I think we all played off each other very well and lunch was quite hilarious! Here is a photo of the kids:

It was a really great weekend all in all - until Kev's ears started hurting again. He has done really well today though and had no issues flying. Thankfully!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if Kevin remembered Jeremy????

Anonymous said...

so wonderful of Southwest to be so caring, gracious and going the extra step to show a "thank you" to Kevin. we, all, do appreciate what you've done and lost to help us. THANK YOU, KEVIN & all that serve our country----TAD