Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 1086 - May 20, 2011

Although I thought I was feeling better, it turns out that I'm not. I actually called my mom and she is coming for a few days to help me out with Kevin. I have been incredibly dizzy and I even went to the doctor's last night. He says something is 'wonky' with my ears and gave me a nose spray. I am assuming I just have a lot of fluid and need to 'dry out', but in the interim I feel even too dizzy and disoriented to drive.

So I didn't mention yesterday that Kevin got some surprise boxes in the mail. Our dear friend, Chalkie, sent Kevin some movies - about 200 of them!! Here's a video of Kevin opening the boxes:

I knew they were on the way, but I didn't mention it so that Chalkie could get to see his reaction. Kev was floored, to say the least, lol.

Thanks Chalkie - you made Kevin's year!! And send Carol our love too!

And to end this post, here is a photo of Kevin and Christian I took days ago - I think the day we came back from Pittsburgh.


Anonymous said...

Feel better, Leslie! Chalkie,.....WOW! Very cool!


Jan said...

Wow is right! And not just the movies. It's been a long time since I've seen Kevin on video and what a difference. He sounds great and looks so strong and healthy.

Judy Smock said...

Thanks for sharing with us. It's just great to see the suprises on Kevin's face. Great picture of him and your grandson. Hope you get to feeling better real soon.

Moe said...

Looks like Kevin is going to need another Entertainment stand to hold all these new movies! lol
That was so nice of you, Chalkie!!
I'm sure you made Kevin's day!
Hope your feeling better soon Leslie! Love You!