Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 29 - June 29, 2008

YIPEE!!! I talked to the doc tonight and as far as he can see - the bug is no longer in Kevin's spinal fluid!! I just about hugged the poor guy - I think he was scared to death of me, lol! He did make sure that I understood that Kev's white count is still high so there is still some form of infection there - but the culture came back a big fat negative!!

So now we have to leave him on that medication for 4 more days, but I asked about his kidneys tonight and the nurse told me that his kidney is actually turning around for the better. Mind you there are still 4 days of the meds so anything can change - but let's focus on the good, ok?

So the Pittsburgh Post Gazette did a story on Kev and all of those that are supporting us. Thanks Michael for a story well written. It's always a little scary talking to reporters because you hear all these horror stories - but I seem to have been 'given' all nice journalists. Anyway, here is the link:

A soldier, a mom, a world of friends

Kinda weird seeing your photo in the paper. It's one thing when it's Kevin - he deserves it, but it's another when it's me. Oh - and this photo was taken the day before Kev left for Basic Training, almost a year ago. Not sure how Michael got it, but I am guessing Moe gave it to him (you better run, girly! LOL).

Ok, so to finish up - Kev's left arm was really active today. He brought it all the way up to his face one time and another he almost touched his right shoulder with his 'fingers' (his fingers are actually completely encased in gauze with splints up to his elbows). I was so excited. We didn't have any moments where he responded, but all in all - it was still a great day!

Gonna sign off early tonight. I am feeling a little nauseous. I sure hope I am not getting sick. I won't be able to go in to see Kev (not that I would risk it anyway if I were sick) and that would leave poor Breeze on her own.

Have a good night everyone! And celebrate real loud!


Unknown said...


If anyone ever says prayers are not answered all they have to do is look at Kevin , you and Breezy.

Your love is giving him the strength to fight. You hang in there hon..There are thousands of us praying for Keven and you..Candles lit in many windows.

We are fast approaching the season of miracles and with each day Kevin is proving that miracles do happen.

Just know that all of us are here for you all..


Vicki Chrisman said...

Oh That's such great new Les!!!
GREAT article too!

Anonymous said...


Brenda took the words right out of my mouth. Prayers certainly are answered.

I think it would simply blow you away to even begin to fathom the amount of people who are praying for Kevin and your family.

Each night as you are reporting on Kevin's condition of the day..when sometimes I am so sure you are so tired you can hardly hold your head up. We really appreciate you leading us..guiding us..taking the time. Once again..thank you.

Baby steps..each day it seems like slowly.. but surely.. something new and wonderful happens in Kevin's recovery.

I did not get the newspaper so thank you for the link. I will read it when I sign off from here.

Each day you are at Kevin's bedside, we are learning more and more by you teaching us many medical facts. Who knew that we could grow new lips ?? I certainly didn't. Joan Rivers and all of her botox would be envious of Kevin's new lips.

You will have good days and bad days..but know we are here as your cheerleaders. I know we're not as good as the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders..but we will never leave you and give you the best support we know how to give.

Remember..miracles do happen. Prayers are indeed answered. Talk to Kevin for us and tell him how very proud we are of him once again..but tell him how proud we are of his Mama and his big sister too. I'm sure you might see a glimmer of a smile..if you look real close. : )

Keep the faith..keep praying and try and get some sleep.

Unknown said...

Absolutely wonderful!! May God continue to bless his recovery, and may God continue to provide you and Breezy with this incredible strength you show. God bless bless bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Les:
Great to read the news! I knew good things would be coming your way! Just keep the faith! And squeeze the St. Michael--I have all my saints around my neck working overtime for ya' girl!! Miss ya here @ work! All my prayers are for you & Kev & Breezy!
Luv ya',

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I'm thrilled. What great news! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you and Breezy. Kevin is such a fighter and so strong as are his wonderful Mom and sister.
Love always, Sherri

Amy Teets said...

Hey Les! Mikki just told me about Kev. It sounds like he's done better, I'm so glad to hear that! Much love and prayers to you guys!

Unknown said...

Awesome news Les! Just keep the faith and strength. Love you all

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I was at a friend's graduation party the other night (Bill F.) and his band played, including Mark Rob, Mig, Zach Nading, and Jake Moore...but there was one special song, Soco Amaretto Lime...they played it for Kevin, to remind us to pray and it really touched everyone...Zach, otherwise known as Nads, told us all that Kevin introduced him to the song..and ever since then he has loved it... I've definitely been keeping Kevin and your whole family in my prayers everynight..and not that it means much, but I even put that song on my myspace, just to kind of keep that thought out there

But anyways I just thought that you might want to know about that, everyone is still praying, oh btw there were ppl wearing pray for kevin t-shirts at the party too.

Always keeping you in my prayers,

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that this stranger is cheering (and still praying) from California. I think of you often and check on you every day, it was wonderful to open a post and see"yipee"jump off of the screen.

Know that you are in the hearts of many people you've never met. The heroism of our military families, and the love that you and Kevin and Breezy share is so powerful that we are all forever changed by witnessing it here.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

Hope today brings more positive happenings. You thought you may be getting sick. Airborne really helps prevent a cold before it happens. It works..

Any word on Kevin's friend ( without searching this blog..I think his name was Daniel ) who also survived the blast with him ?

Please tell his parents we are praying for him too. We hope he is doing better.

I look for our Riverfest and the town to just go selling the Kevin items. I am sure that weekend you will hear the name "Kevin Kammerdiener" and people checking on his well being than anything else.

Stay steps..and keep praying. I see people apologizing for calling you..commenting in your blog..but please know that everyone means well.

Kevin HAS TO BE feeling all of these prayers and good thoughts coming his way. He just has to..

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note, and I see it was already mentioned tell Kevin that yes Zach and the band did play a special song for him at Bill's graduation party. They practiced quite a bit the last few weeks!!! He is so well loved and thought of as are you and Breezy. I'm hoping they get to perform it at Riverfest.
Sharon, Zach & Haleigh

Anonymous said...

I've been reading this blog since I found out, but couldn't find out how to leave a comment, finally did! I don't really even know what to say, but you two are so strong, and obviously so is kevin! I think of you two more than anything through out the day!

Great news on today's blog! I read it every day, as I normally call my mom and share the news also!

And Breezy, Miss seeing you around! Take care and you know i'm here for ANYTHING, ANYTIME!
take care you two!


Anonymous said...

I don't think i can form a comment b/c i'm so happy, i mean there aren't enough words in the dictionary to explain how thrilled i am that he has had so many good days now...i guess all i can do is smile and pray =]

tbehr1018 said...


Thank God for the good news and day!!!

You are the reason Kevin is getting stronger and fighting so hard so hang in there. Again know there are a TON of people sending you good wishes and strength grab a hold of it and keep going.

So Happy for all of you today!


Anonymous said...


I came upon your blog through beliefnet and it totally got straight to my heart. I have a son in Iraq and I worry about this sort of thing everyday. Please know that i will keep Kevin in my prayers and that i will also keep you and breezy there as well.
I believe with all my heart you will get the miracle you need.
Love and prayers,
from Paducah, ky
Debbie Streetman

Anonymous said...

Oh, Leslie things are looking up. I stayed up late to view your thoughts for the day but just didn't have time to put my thoughts to paper. There are so many people praying for Kevin and your family. It was very nice to see the article in the Pittsburgh paper - put a face with each of you, not that it matters.
AT church on Sunday, the youth group announced Kevin's story. Prayers were offered. The 20+ delegation from the Kittanning area will be in San Antonia in about 10 days. The youth minister announced he was in contact with those named in the paper to try to meet and pray with you all. The kids ( 14 years - 20s ), I beleieve, have made this a special project,and many prayers will come out of it!
They will return home 7/18, just in time for the Brady Riverfest. Have not been there for a long time but plan on going to support Kevin and your family.
You( and your family )have been such an inspiration to me. I joined soldiers angels and my three teenagers and I (and my husband) adopted a soldier.
It's very easy to live life oblivious to what is going on around you. I work at a VA and see veterans every day but I guess I became so "immune" to what's really going on - the war and all - and how many of our young men and women are making huge sacrifices. We all need to support and help them, whether it be a care package, a letter, and / or prayers. I think many of us have ignored it or maybe even just become numb to the whole thing. Every day there is so much negativity and heartache broadcast on the news.
Your story, your struggles, your inspiration, your battle, your hopes have all opened my eyes to the great need of helping others. Many of us are SO BLESSED! Maybe we know it but forget to share the blessings . . . .
God bless Kevin, you, and your family! Prayers continue!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog. I find that I am one of those people who have heard about the injured soldiers, feel bad, and then go about my business. Your story has really opened my eyes.

I'm saying a prayer for your family.

Anonymous said...

Leslie....I am so thankful that Kevin's body is healing...... There are so many people praying for Kevin, you and Breezy and we are all witnessing these prayers being answered.
I love you Leslie....Thank You Lord!

Anonymous said...

All I can say today is Thank You God. What wonderful news. Keep on keeping on and try to give yourself some rest. As always we continue to pray for all three of you.

Anonymous said...

Leslie, Breezy and Kevin...

I have been praying and thinking of all of you since I first heard what happened.

I just learned of this blog last night and I am so thankful that I have been able to read most all of it since then.I am so happy to hear the good that has ocurred over the last couple of days and I'll continue to pray for more of the same to follow. I am amazed and touched by the strength and courage each of you have.

I know many people have said it but it truly is amazing what the power of prayer can do...and you sure do have a lot of it!!!

I will pray for peace and comfort for each of you.

Laura King

Kris said...

Hi Leslie, Briana & Kevin!

Just stopping by to let you all know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers every single day. How great it was to read this post - the miracle IS unfolding!!

God bless you all and may He shower you with the massive amounts of strength, peace and comfort that you need every day, and to help get through the nights.

What a wonderful article about you, the family picture was amazing!

Thoughts, prayers, support and load upon load of Angel Hugs are always on their way to you.

- Kris, a Soldiers' Angel from RI

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to read the good news! I hope it continues to get better and better!
Megan Slaugenhoup

Anonymous said...


As someone else said, "the miracle is unfolding."

One step at a time, one day at a time...

Hugs from Germany!

Anonymous said...

I am praising God today for your good news. I'm thrilled for you....
Take care of yourself now...don't get run down. Get some good sleep!
From Phoenix, AZ

Anonymous said...

What if on July 4th, sometime during our celebration of our nations freedom we take a moment and silently sing to ourselves in Kevin's honor "God Bless America". Kevin has shown his love for God and Country. His jesture was so large and full of courage. We can make this small jesture in return and become one in this Blessing. Kevin's Blessing!

Karen said...

Leslie - just wanted to let you know that I will keep Kevin and your family in my prayers. May God continue to wrap his warm embrace around Kevin and help him to recover from his injuries. May God also grant you and your DD the continued strength to be at his side.

Karen (Go. Be Creative)

Jessica said...

hi mrs.kammerdiener
you dont know me but my name is jessica ritchey i am 25 years old and i have to 2 kids i am really praying that things will pull through for your family i will be praying for your family....people realize that faith is more powerful then anyone can think it is and never lose faith and things will come through just great for you

Larry Arnone said...

Hi Leslie,

Again you don't know me but I am a father of a Sky Soldier who has been following your Blog for a couple of weeks now. I am so happy to hear the Kev is making some gains. My family and I will continue to keep your family in our prayers. Stay strong, everyone has you all in our hearts

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lord! He's a fighter, that's for sure. I'll be praying for more such victories.

DeeZee said...

We're saying prayers for Kevin and all of you. As a military wife stationed overseas, I couldn't tear myself away from reading every entry of your blog. As a PA girl (born in Kittanning), I realize what a hero Kevin is, to leave home for the Army, to achieve what he has achieved. Will continue to check in to watch Kevin's progress.