Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 47 - July 17, 2008

Some good news...and some bad news.

First the bad. It doesn't look like we will be going to Tampa by the end of the month. Of course, this could change. But so far it's a no go. This is because Kev has the ventric in (the drain in his head). Tampa is a rehab hospital and the patients need to be in stable condition before going there. An open drain is not a stable thing. The neurosurgeon has no idea when he will go, and a shunt could send him sooner, but he doesn't want to do a shunt because first, Kev's skin is not healthy enough yet due to the burns and second, shunts are not very reliable. What they are doing is leaving the ventric in and hoping that it tricks the brain into believing it is absorbing that fluid on it's own and maybe it will start doing just that.

Now for the good news. Kevin really is making amazing progress every single day. This afternoon he was able to take this 3 inch long plastic tube (about an inch in diameter) and put it on each of his fingers on his left hand and then he was able to put it on his thumb and forefinger of his right hand. These are considered fine motor skills and it's amazing that he is able to do this already. Granted it's only his left side doing anything, but it's a start.

At one point he also waved to me. He brought his arm up in front of his face and I brought mine up as well (more to protect him from hitting his head) and I started waving to him and he waved back. 3 times no less!

Tonight he also had quite an attitude. I am wondering if he was upset about his right side not working so I did explain to him again (already done, Holee - but thanks!) that everything is there, but that we are going to have to work on getting his hand and leg to function correctly. Anyway, he just held and touched his right hand for about an hour. And every time I touched his left shoulder or rubbed his arm - the little bugger would swat my hand away. Hmmph! (LOL) But seriously, I think he was just in a mood and I am fine with that. Heck, I get in those moods all the time!

And now for the best news of all - Kev had 2 CT Scans today. One regular one and then they inserted dye (I think) into his head to see how things are looking. The neurosurgeon said that Kev's brain is looking better than it did the last time they did a scan.

Understand that I am no doctor - but I honestly do believe that them draining all this fluid from his head has released a lot of pressure and that's why he is doing better every day.

I could so be wrong, though.

On the home front, poor Breezy made it home ok only to find that someone had hit her car at some point during the past 2 months. Of course they left no info with the apt manager, so it looks like we will have to deal with it financially.

Ya know...a break would really be nice...

And then of course there's Moe. Her flight from San Antonio was so delayed that she is stuck in Cincinnati OH for the night. She missed her connect and they couldn't get her to Pittsburgh until tomorrow morning.

You know that song "Some Guys Have All the Luck"? If he's single, send him my way - maybe it'll rub off...


Anonymous said...

What a releif It's heart warming the last few days news.
Im still really concerned with the right side issue though.
We wish Kev the best of "all the luck"
Oh..Leslie you already got the "guy" its Kevin.
May you give him the strength to fight through any obsticles and get back on his feet.

Kevin Gallagher -Camper E.Brady

Anonymous said...

Father, thank you so much that Kevin has awakened, that he is alive and here in day 47! Thank you for the progress made each day. Thank you that YOU, OUR CREATOR, speak and things came into being. Thank you for Your ability to create such things as brains, eyes and tongues. Please continue to heal Kevin, to give the doctors wisdom and to strengthen Leslie. Please provide for the car issues with Breezy. In Jesus' Name . . .

Leslie, I'm so happy for you and your family. We continue to pray!

Anonymous said...

Les, Great news thank God. I hope that Moe soon gets home and poor Breezy. Good luck finding a rich lucky man!!!!!!!!!!!!. I am at work but had to read and then send you a little note. Take care. Love ya bunches, Pam

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to leave a note after reading a comment made on yesterday's blog.
This is your journal. You need to feel free to say anything you want without being judged. If someone doesn't like what you say, I believe they should not read your blog.
We appreciate your honesty, and we read and comment to let you know how much we care about you and your family.
To use this space to criticize you is terribly cruel...

Jan said...

Ah well....I'm sure you were looking forward to a change of scenery but - I do wonder if traveling might not have been the best thing for Kevin right now anyway. A little longer to heal and you'll be in Florida in no time!

If you should happen to find more than one man I could use your

i. said...

Ahhh, the attitudes of our children. LOL I'm guessing you'll see quite a bit more of it before it's all said and done. Kevin will have a lot of work ahead of him and frustration is a given. But I believe he will make a beautiful recovery! I'm already amazed by how much he can do after so many weeks of no activity. He truly is an amazing young man.

Anonymous said...

Dear Leslie,
I just was able to read your last two postings. Old computer, but glad to have it. This has been a long road, has'nt it? I wish you all well and continued love and support. It is wonderful the improvements and leaps Kevin has made. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. Take care,
Love , The Reeves gang.

Unknown said...

Hi Leslie ~ God's timing is sometimes such a test of Faith, isn't it? It would be so much easier if He could just come and sit beside us and explain everything in a nut shell. The "why's" of it all. And then we pray, and by golly, He does just that. Of course, not in OUR timing, but His. But Leslie, your Faith, is what has kept the answers coming. It is what has led hundreds of others to pray each day.

And like many others, when I read about Breezy's car, and Moe's delayed trip, I just looked up and said, "You have got to be kidding me!" And went to prayer. Ok, now this has happened, so please Lord, take care of the car and take care of Moe!

Prayer. Timing. Miracles. Faith. May God continue to bless you in all things.

Prayers, love and hugs. Always.

Anonymous said...

Les, I'm happy to hear all the good news. Don't fret, Kev will get to Tampa when the dr. feels it's time. I'm so excited at all the progress he's making. As for "father of the year" if he causes a regression in Kev's recovery, "boot" him back to PA. And let's just say that sometimes people need to speak up for others when they have more important things to tend to. :) :) Love you all. Love Diana

Anonymous said...

Yeah Kevin!!! You show your mom who is the boss!!!!Leslie stay strong, especially in the next week. Don't listen to any negative comments toward you. This is YOUR blog and you are only stating your feelings. Your comments were in no way out of line, and you have every right. You nursed those kids through every illness like you are doing now. Any negative comments to you come from negative people and that is what you would expect from negative people. What do they want a medal for abandoning your kids? Like you aren't going through enough without getting beat up. Stand tall Leslie you and Breezie are bringing him back. East Brady has got YOUR back. Take care and tell Breezie not to worry about her car. I think July should be named Kevin's month! Every Saturday this month has had something for Kev. We are all rooting for you.....

tbehr1018 said...

Hang on to ALL the Great things happening with Kevin and let go of all the bad or negative stuff.....
Poor Brianna...and Moe..
There will Always be BAD people out there but the GOOD ones usually come out ahead. You are one of the GOOD ONES so hang on!
Our prayers are really working.

Kris said...

Kevin, Leslie & Breezy -

Just stopping by to let you all know that you're in my thoughts and prayers every single day. What an AWESOME post - it can't help but make one smile to read things like "making amazing progress every single day". Holy smokes yes he is - what may seem like baby steps are really big, ginormous leaps. Kevin's miracle is unfolding - yes it is!

Putting off the move to Tampa is in no way a setback - it's only a 'step off to the side and rest for a bit'! God bless you Kevin - hang in there brave warrior, you're doing great! And hang in there Leslie & Breezy - that break will come - it just has to! :-) So sorry to hear about your car Breezy, that really smells that people can do that and not even leave a note.

Thoughts, prayers, support and load upon load of Angel Hugs are always on their way to you all.

- Kris, a Soldiers' Angel from RI

Kay said...

Sorry about Breezy's car. Damn, girl, you need a BREAK. But it sounds encouraging regarding Kevin's responses. Hang in there, sweet Leslie. And know you and Kevin are in my heart.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful to hear that Kevin is displaying some fine motor skills! They say that bad news comes in threes so you've got it covered! Sheesh. I'll be praying about Kevin's right side and for Breezy's car situation. That really sucks! :(

Anonymous said...

Leslie -- Just want you to know that I am thinking of you and read your blog daily. Even though I haven't commented lately, you and Kevin are in my thoughts. Hang in there and keep getting your strength from all of us who care: lean on us, feel the power of our prayers and positive thoughts, and know our hearts are with you.