Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 414 - Jul 17, 2009

For those of you that saw my update earlier letting you know that Kevin was not going to participate in the parade - I am sorry. Kevin was not feeling well most of the day, but he took a long nap and when he woke up (not 15 minutes after I posted the message) he wanted to still come to the parade. I hurriedly removed the post, but I don't know who all saw it. (Sorry to the Reeves Gang as I know y'all did - I tried to find your phone number to let you know of the change of plans, but couldn't find it)

Anyway, Kevin did go to the parade and I think he really enjoyed himself. He loves children and got a real kick out of throwing candy out the window. It was just so nice to see all the people we know - even from the car window in the pouring down rain.

We were also interviewed by KDKA and you can see the story and watch the video in the right column. Click here to view it.

And on a kinda sad note - it's very hard tonight to be sitting here and not out having a good time with my friends. Riverfest weekend is always so fun and I so wish I could be out with Moe and everyone else having a good time, but I guess those days are pretty much over for me. I can usually handle it in Florida because I don't really know anybody there to go do things with, but here in PA - I miss my old life. I miss the freedom of just jumping in the car and going for chinese, or dancing the night away at the Allstars and the Cloud or just any of the multitude of things I once had the freedom to do. I am just so jealous that all my old pals are out having a blast tonight.

But I guess I just need to get over it and as my favorite Airborne commentor says - wipe the sweat and drive on!

And now I am going to leave you with a photo of the kids while they were sleeping on the plane. It's just such a wonderful photo, huh?


Anonymous said...

Angels ... they look like beautiful angels.

God doesn't give you more than you can handle and he puts you ALWAYS where you need to be.

Things will get better for you as you progress throuh this journey you have been sent on. You have been given a mission. None of us can understand why life happens the way it does, but you have to believe that it is exactly like it is suppose to be. When one door closes, another door always opens. It is what it is . . .

We all know your life has changed drastically. There will be a time for dancing again . . . To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.

Please enjoy your wonderful time in Brady. (I am surprised Kevin's friend did not pick him up again and take him like the last time you were there). You've waited long and worked hard for this weekend.

You are a great person with obviously TERRIFIC values. You've raised your children in a loving family. Keep your chin up. Don't get distracted by the sparkle and remember where you have been the last 15 months - - you'll get where you need to go!

Keep up the great work. I only hope I would have been half the person you have been, if I had been dealt the same circumstances.

Thoughts and prayers for you all . .. . .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This precious photo certainly expresses how much your kiddos adore one another! Have a terrific weekend!

Long-time RN said...

Peaceful angels. A beatiful photo.

How terrific Kevin was able to participate in the parade. Watching the video was remarkable, seeing Kevin looking so great after this last surgery and to hear his voice, brought tears to my eyes. He is amazing and so are you Leslie. Best to your family tomorrow at the Purple Heart ceremony. Kevin is our hero.

Anonymous said...

I was able to access the video through Yahoo! news. The AP picked up the story. It was wonderful to see Kevin and hear him talk. You must be so proud, Leslie. I hope you guys have a wonderful time in Brady.


Cathy M

Jessica said...

I'm so glad Kevin was able to enjoy the parade! Thanks for sharing the link to the news story. I had a pretty crappy day but hearing Kevin and seeing him totally lifted my spirits.

Boy, do I hear you about missing your old life. It's so very hard.

I'll be praying for you both and thinking of Kevin tomorrow. Take care and God bless.