Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 717 - May 16, 2010

Well...Kevin didn't play along last night. As soon as I finished posting, he decided to get up and wanted to finish the puzzle. So that's what we did.

I am so happy to say that I finished the audit though! It would have been nice if I had had all the transactions from the last two years entered into Quicken - but I didn't have any of that done. That's what has taken so very long - just getting it all in there so that I could run reports.

But's done! I am so going to try to keep up with entering the data, but it's just not easy to do with this lifestyle.

Personally I am hoping to have him declared competent by the end of the year. He completely understands money and he knows what he wants to buy and what he doesn't. He also knows how much money he gets, how much he has in the bank and what his bills run. He will put things back if he thinks they are too expensive and he will call you on it if you don't give him back the right amount of change. I am proud to say that he always counts what a clerk gives him before he puts it in his wallet too. How many of us do that? LOL!

All along I have made it a point to keep him aware of his money. I have never spent anything without discussing it with him first. In my eyes - this is his money (even though the VA says it's not), so he should make the decisions.

And moving on - today we did nothing. I really am feeling crappy lately (I am assuming it's allergies - headache, coughing, congestion, etc) so I took a shower and put PJ's back on. Kevin was upset because apparently he wanted to go somewhere, but it wasn't happening. I am whooped.

And I wanted to save my energy because tomorrow he has doctor appts. One is the burn plastic surgeon and other is pain management. We should find out when his surgery is in June. I just hope those skin expanders don't hurt too much. Or look too bad. I am also worried about the placement. They are talking about putting them in the back of his head and I don't see how he is going to sleep if that's the case. I guess we'll find out more tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well at the doctors.
Keeping everyone in my prayers...

GrannieEv said...

The VA doesn't consider it his money? Then it belongs to whom? I hope your sinus/allergy condition clears up cuz that can surely wear one down. I'm impressed with the way he handles money - good job. Take care.

Cathy M said...

Could you explain the pros and cons of declaring Kevin competent? What does this mean?

pommom said...

My son Zack had the expanders and while they are cumbersome and unattractive they are not painful. When they add new fluid for the expansion every week or two, its uncomfortable but that last a very short time. I would try and prepare him for how they look. Its not good but it is temporary and the result is amazing when its over. Keeping you in prayer, Leslie for strength and health and peace and acceptance for Kevin.
Love you both dearly,

Long-time RN said...

Congratulations on completing the audit!

Hope you're questions are answered at the appointments tomorrow.

Thoughts and prayers.