Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 205 - Dec 22, 2008

From what I'm seeing, it looks like Kevin will be in a bad mood or just very withdrawn all day until his head is tapped. It's pretty much been like this all along, but it has been worse the last couple of days. I couldn't get him to eat or drink anything at all today until the doc came in and drew the fluid at about 5pm. Once that was done, he immediately wanted a sub and started drinking his Gatorade. Man - it's so hard to see him almost comatose throughout the day and then fine for a few hours in the evening. I sure hope that head plate gets here soon.

Other than that, nothing much happened. Kevin never got out of bed today and he actually was sound asleep by 7:30 (which never happens) so this evening Breezy, Anthony and I went to a Christmas lights show and then we did a little shopping. I am nearly done, only having to run back to Wal-Mart tomorrow night once Kevin is sleeping.

So, I think I will end here and go to bed a little bit early tonight. I know - it's still after 1am, but that's early for me, lol.


Holee said...

Leslie, does this mean they don't want checks sent to our local bank anymore since you opened your own paypal?

Anonymous said...

Our main concern for coming to this blog has always been Kevin and praying for him to heal and helping, in these tough times, when we can.

Offering support, sending praise and being a sounding board to listen.

We must not forget that every little bracelet or shirt bought is helping the cause. If you can't afford to do that, as many cannot, then send your prayers.

So much has come from this blog in the form of guidance and direction. What a blessing.

Sending many prayers that Kevin may get through this horrible ordeal with the fluid buildup. He must feel lousy. He must not feel like doing anything or going anywhere. He is saying so with his actions.

Can't they drain him earlier in the day and not as late as 5:00 pm ? If there isn't anyone around in the morning to talk to, can't your wishes be made the day before, so he can be scheduled to be drained early morning ?

I don't know how you all do it, but for the love of your child.

God Bless you each and everyone.

Merry Christmas.

Valerie S said...

Thanks so much, Leslie, for opening a PayPal account. That will make it much easier for all of us who care, to give back to Kevin.

Hoping that this difficult time for Kevin is over soon. May you all find some peace during this Christmas season.

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I justed wanted you to know that you and your family are in our hearts.I always am thinking of you.I read alll the time.You are the best are in my prayers.Our son is in Iraq, he left at the end of Nov., he will be back in Sept.lov u. sherrie libecco

Vicki Chrisman said...

Hey Les.. just wanted to say hello and tell you .. I'm always reading..just might miss a day of commenting here and there. Thinking of you ..and wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Miss Em said...


I too do NOT understand why they would wait until late afternoon before they drain all that extra fluid.
I understand why Kevin doesn't feel like doing anything or trying to put something in his stomach.

I remember what it's like with an extremely severe sinus headache. The pressure is terrible and the thought of eating and swallowing is painful from all the pressure build-up.

If anyone out there has that or migraine headaches then you have a small idea of what Kevin is going through.

Leslie, I know for me when I get those headaches turning down the lights and lowering the temperature helps. Even a cool cloth in the area of worse pain works too. I also know at this time some of the imput to the brain is just TO MUCH and noise is the worst that's when I want to be in a quiet dark cave.

***Have you tried any/either with Kevin?
Hope you can give him the darkest and quitest of a cave as you can. Hope my words help or give an idea of how to help Kevin.

Glad to hear that Family is starting to make the journey to the warm country.
Never put down a small tree. Expecially if you have to carry it over to Kevin's hospital room {Lord forbid} so you both can enjoy the twinkling lights.

If Kevin needs to have a few guys around to talk to maybe asking the Chaplin to help you find some males who would be willing to spend an hour or two yackin with Kevin. Bound to be some Vets around that would be willing to sit and BS. American Legion & VFW come to mind.

Wishes to you, Kevin, Breezy and all the family that have come together a...